Recent Posts by Adult Pediatric Urology

What is BPH?

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is a condition in which the prostate enlarges as men get older.  BPH is a very common condition that affects over 40 million Americans and over 500 million aging men worldwide. Over 40% of men in their 50s and over 70% of men in their 60s have BPH1.  While BPH…
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Meaning Behind Color of Your Urine

The color of your urine is one of the most important diagnostic factors for your doctor, and it can tell them – and you – a lot about what’s going on inside the body. If you notice any change in the frequency of color of your urine, you should make an appointment with your doctor.…
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What to Know About a Dropped Bladder

The “pelvic floor” describes the muscular network that forms across the opening of the female pelvis. The pelvic floor muscles help to keep the organs in this part of the body in place. If these muscles have a defect from straining, childbirth or aging, they may induce a “dropped bladder,” also known as a pelvic…
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Vasectomy Cost & Procedure

Vasectomy is one of the most popular methods of contraception in the United States. Over 500,000 vasectomy procedures are performed each year.  Vasectomy along with tubal ligation (in females), are the most effective means of preventing pregnancy. However, vasectomy is about ¼ the cost of tubal ligation, has fewer risks, less side effects, and does…
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Vasectomy Reversal

There are more than 500,000 vasectomies performed in the United States every year.  As many as 6% of men who have the procedure done will eventually seek out vasectomy reversal of the procedure. This is ten times more common in men who have the vasectomy performed under the age of thirty.  While having the vasectomy…
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